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09-13-2019 icon

EPL: Watford FC Puts Bitcoin Logo on Kit, Now Accepting BTC

By Sagetwriter

Watford Football Club has officially announced that the Bitcoin (BTC) symbol will appear on the sleeves of team jerseys, as the club begins accepting BTC for purchase of club kits.

As posted on the official club Website and Twitter handle, the popular Bitcoin “B” logo will appear on the player’s kits as part of the club’s mega partnership deal deal with Bitcoin betting platform –

The official post indicates that the introduction of the Bitcoin logo is part of a wider adoption strategy to increase awareness around bitcoin and educate the public on the benefits of cryptocurrencies.

Details show that the sponsorship is crowd funded and anyone with Bitcoin will benefit from the club sponsors; enjoying access to public LED space during live matches as well as access to exclusive Watford FC merchandise.

The Hornets will kick off their match against Arsenal FC on Sunday (September 15) in the new kit; with the Bitcoin logo on the sleeve throughout the 2019/2020 EPL season.

It will be recalled that more soccer and sport teams are joining the crypto band wagon. From NBA to football, there is a growing adoption.

EPL teams West Ham, Everton, Leicester and Man City have all announced partnership with crypto platforms; and this latest announcement by Watford will increase the scope of publicity for cryptocurrency, bringing Bitcoin awareness to multitude of football fans globally.

Although Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are yet to get mainstream acceptance for daily usage; due to fear of volatility and risk, these partnership deals send a message to the public who are beginning to recognize the numerous benefits of cryptocurrency.

What are your thoughts on cryptocurrency payments for sport merchandise and tickets? Share in the comments.