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03-30-2020 icon

ConsenSys Partners With Hitachi to Sell Ethereum Product in Japan

By calvin
hitachi sells ethereum

Blockchain software technology company, Consensys is partnering with Hitachi solutions to sell ethereum-focused blockchain software technology product, PegaSys Plus. The sales operations will commence on April 1

Hitachi Will Sell Ethereum Product from April 1

PegaSys Plus is an Ethereum client built on Hyperledger Besu which provides additional enterprise features for the blockchain platform. Corporations with a need for blockchain technology look to solutions like Hyperledger Besu and PegaSys to steer their strategic direction in the digital age. 

“We think Japan has the potential to be one of the fastest growing blockchain markets in the world over the coming years, and I am eager to drive that growth with Hitachi. We are committed to bringing our stack of products to Japan and working with the best partner possible to make Japan a global leader in the space.”

Prior to the engagement, Hitachi teamed up with KDDI to create a blockchain-based system that validates retail payments based on fingerprints of shoppers. The technology is built on Hyperledger Fabric, a platform which Consensys and Pegasus have developed on. 

Hitachi Trusts in Blockchain

According to a Hitachi spokesperson,

“Users can authenticate themselves by holding the finger on the authentication infrastructure, so it is not necessary to present a coupon at the store, and the coupon can be used even without a smartphone”

Blockchain technology is becoming an increasingly important factor in the business strategy of asian businesses. More governments in the region are pushing for regulations to be enforced to guide the adoption of the technology. The government of South Korea recently made cryptocurrency trading legal in the region after the National Assembly changed the laws. President Jae-in Moon signed the amendment which was passed. 

Surprisingly, India chose to legalize trade of cryptocurrencies despite its initial ban. With coronavirus on the rise, the benefits of digital currencies has become more apparent as more businesses are forced to adopt digital strategies to survive.