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06-21-2022 icon

Babel Finance settles debt deal with contract party after temporary halt on outgoing payment

By Lucy Adegbe
Babel Finance

According to news from world-leading financial service provider Babel Finance, negotiations have been concluded with shareholders on the settlement of debts that caused the protocol to put a hold on large sums of withdrawals in the previous week. 

The lensing firm had previously made moves on Friday to set a $1,500 monthly limit on outgoing funds due to “unusual liquidity pressure.” The firm’s mediator had explained to CoinDesk that they are “taking actions to best protect the interest of clients” and would duly communicate relevant updates on any changes.

Currently, there has been an uploaded statement on their website highlighting ease in the “unusual liquidity pressure” as confirmed from the “emergency assessment of the company’s business operations to understand the company’s liquidity status.”

The statement further explained, “ we have actively communicated with shareholders and potential investors, and will continue to communicate and obtain liquidity support.”

Babel Finance reportedly wrapped the year 2021 with an outstanding credit amount of $3 billion and an up balance of $2 billion worth of cryptocurrency in February 2021. 

The firm had just realized over $80 million from a Series B fundraising following a series A of $40 million from global investors.