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04-19-2023 icon

Australia Sets up More Bitcoin ATMs, More Than That Present in Entire Asia 

By Lucy Adegbe
Bitcoin ATM

Australia, the nation with the third most extensive network of Bitcoin ATMs, outshined the whole of Asia with respect to the aggregate number of digital currency ATMs set up. 

Since the commencement of the year, the nation has been on a mission of massive digital currency ATM setup, shifting from the 5th to the 3rd in the first month of the year. 

Statistics revealed on Coin ATM Radar verified that the nation has been persistent in setting up means for a seamless conversion of its legal tender to digital currencies. 

Within the past few months, Australia has made sure to increase the number of digital currency ATMs set up in its region, contrary to major Europe-cited countries alongside the US, which documented a slow pace of Bitcoin ATM setups within the time frame.

The Asian continent, known to be home to many thriving economies like China, Singapore, Japan, and others, is home to an estimated 355 digital currency ATMs, accounting for a percent of globally set-up digital ATMs. Australia, on the other hand, is estimated to have about 364 digital currency ATMs set up in its region.

Notwithstanding, global records of ATM setup show a persistent plunge, with a decline of 412, barely two months into the current year, as formerly published by Cointelegraph.